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Discussion of "klulei"
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Comment #1: Irregular place structure for no apparent reason
Wuzzy (Sat Nov 30 21:50:11 2013)

While I like the word in general, I do not like the order of its place
structure. Why does the defining property come before the superset;
“klulei” just flipped the order from klesi. For no apparent reason. It
might be confusing to remember the lujvo’s definition.
Since this is a symmetrical lujvo, the tertau places should come in the
order of “klesi” until its places run out. See

This is easy to fix:
I created a new definition in which the place structure is in the same
order as for its tertau “klesi”.

Comment #2: Re: Irregular place structure for no apparent reason
Jonathan Kopetz (Sat Nov 30 22:33:03 2013)

Wuzzy wrote:
> While I like the word in general, I do not like the order of its place
> structure. Why does the defining property come before the superset;
> “klulei” just flipped the order from klesi. For no apparent reason.
> might be confusing to remember the lujvo’s definition.
> Since this is a symmetrical lujvo, the tertau places should come in the
> order of “klesi” until its places run out. See
> <http://dag.github.io/cll/12/5/>.
> This is easy to fix:
> I created a new definition in which the place structure is in the same
> order as for its tertau “klesi”.

Okay. I flipped them in this case because I thought the defining trait was
more importnat than the outer culture, which can be very nebulous.

I created this term in an effort to describe fandoms of various media that
have grown to such an extent as to be called a "subculture", but it is
difficult to pin down to what culture they are supposed to be a subset of

I realize now that it is easier to describe them just using kulnu, and
save klulei for when the outer culture is less murkily defined.

Comment #3: Re: Irregular place structure for no apparent reason
Wuzzy (Sun Dec 1 01:02:44 2013)

Now that we have sorted that out, I think “klulei” is a good lujvo.

It’s useful to express that a culture _is_ a subculture. But its equally
true to say that all subcultures are cultures.

Now I don’t see anything wrong with the lujvo; it is clearly defined,
useful and the place structure is regular: The way lujvo should be. :-)

Comment #4: Re: Irregular place structure for no apparent reason
Jonathan Kopetz (Sun Dec 1 02:07:37 2013)

Wuzzy wrote:
> Now that we have sorted that out, I think “klulei” is a good lujvo.
> It’s useful to express that a culture _is_ a subculture. But its
> true to say that all subcultures are cultures.
> Now I don’t see anything wrong with the lujvo; it is clearly defined,
> useful and the place structure is regular: The way lujvo should be. :-)

Thanks a lot for the help. This was my first addition to the list and so I
was a bit nervous.

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