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Discussion of "temci"

Comment #1: Interval and elapsed time are distinct concepts
Curtis W Franks (Fri Feb 2 22:05:41 2018)

temci1 is ambiguous. An interval in time is [a, b] (or something like it;
produced by GAhO). The elapsed time associated therewith is the (Lebesgue)
measure of that interval. "Period" can refer to either - it is inherently
ambiguous; this is similar to how "radius" is ambiguous (is it the line
segment or the length of the line segment?). The options for interpretation
are mutually exclusive if we are to avoid ambiguity.

This issue should be resolved. I propose that the interval interpretation
be accepted as the proper one. It is beneficial to be able to discuss the
time (interval) separating two events. That is how we can check the order
of events, learn what events occurred during the intervening time, etc. The
elapsed time interpretation is given by words such as "snidu", which
inherently must measure a time interval. Retaining the elapsed time
interpretation would lose functionality (see before; interval
interpretation) and would provide only redundant features (those of
"snidu"). Moreover, snidu1 accepts only an interval as its argument, so we
need to be able to express that somehow. All measurements of elapsed time
are inherently dimensionful, so there should never be a case of needing a
word which measures the elapse between two events but does so without units
- "snidu" or something like it would always be needed. So, not only does
that mean that we do not need a word which measures elapse without units,
but the "elapse" definition of "temci" is never sufficient or sustainable
on its own - it will always need "snidu" or something like it in temci1. We
might as well cut the fat and eliminate the extra layer - make "temci" mean
only the interval. (Notice, btw, that snidu1 must take an interval, such as
lo temci; in that case, the "elapse" interpretation leads to a circular
bridi structure; the fact that "lo temci be by bei cy cu snidu" has
multiple layers is reflective of the fundamental nature of the
relationship/meaning of "snidu").

If, for some reason, we do want a generic (dimensionless) measure function
for a temci interval, then we can easily introduce a new word for that. It
would just be a generic Lebesgue measure bridi. But I fear that it would be
poorly or improperly designed or applied for temci intervals, the measures
of which necessarily and inherently have units.

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