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Discussion of "japyvla"
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Comment #4: Re: Calque
Wuzzy (Fri May 15 17:35:01 2015)

> What about when a "password" is actually a picture, or a geometric
> (like on an Android phone), or a biometric?

Invent a new word for it. :P
It makes sense to make a distinction between password (in the sense of
???character sequence???) and ???something you do in order to get access to
a system???.
But if you want to really generic (like you suggested), you might probably
just use jaspu.

Comment #5: Re: Calque
Alex Burka (Fri May 15 17:38:08 2015)

Wuzzy wrote:
> > What about when a "password" is actually a picture, or a geometric
> pattern
> > (like on an Android phone), or a biometric?
> Invent a new word for it. :P

Yeah. I am thinking there could be a (short) word for "thing you do to get
access to a system", to which I could append -vla, -xra, -tai, -mivdatni,
or whatever. sei ca ca'o pensi

> It makes sense to make a distinction between password (in the sense of
> ???character sequence???) and ???something you do in order to get access
> a system???.
> But if you want to really generic (like you suggested), you might
> just use jaspu.

Comment #6: Re: Calque
Wuzzy (Fri May 15 17:40:43 2015)

> Yeah. I am thinking there could be a (short) word for "thing you do to
> access to a system", to which I could append -vla, -xra, -tai, -mivdatni,

> or whatever. sei ca ca'o pensi

jaspu sounds like a good candidate for this.

One of the glosses of jaspu:

permit ; artifact or document rendering something allowed or legal

Comment #7: Re: Calque
Alex Burka (Fri May 15 17:59:25 2015)

Wuzzy wrote:
> > Yeah. I am thinking there could be a (short) word for "thing you do to
> get
> > access to a system", to which I could append -vla, -xra, -tai,
> > or whatever. sei ca ca'o pensi
> jaspu sounds like a good candidate for this.
> One of the glosses of jaspu:
> permit ; artifact or document rendering something allowed or legal

Now we have gone in a circle :) mu'a japyvla, japxra, japmo'a,
japmivdatni .i'epei

Comment #8: Re: Calque
Wuzzy (Fri May 15 18:17:12 2015)

> Now we have gone in a circle :) mu'a japyvla, japxra, japmo'a,
> japmivdatni .i'epei

First, I think jaspu should be at the end, because all these things are
more ???types of??? jaspu instead of ???types of picture??? (for example).
Second, I disagree with japyvla for the reasons I have already stated
(valsi was the problem, not jaspu).

Comment #9: Re: Calque
gleki (Fri May 15 19:09:42 2015)

durka42 wrote:
> Wuzzy wrote:
> > > What about when a "password" is actually a picture, or a geometric
> > pattern
> > > (like on an Android phone), or a biometric?
> >
> > Invent a new word for it. :P
> Yeah. I am thinking there could be a (short) word for "thing you do to
> access to a system", to which I could append -vla, -xra, -tai, -mivdatni,

> or whatever. sei ca ca'o pensi
> > It makes sense to make a distinction between password (in the sense of
> > ???character sequence???) and ???something you do in order to get
> to
> > a system???.
> > But if you want to really generic (like you suggested), you might
> probably
> > just use jaspu.

For Tatoeba and Vivaldi I always used cmene/ckiku for

I dont see any metaphorics here. Just ckiku needs to be defined broader in
English without limiting to things that one can touch.

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