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Discussion of "mernta"
[parent] [root]
Comment #1: It's a type-3
Pierre Abbat (Thu Sep 5 15:16:29 2013)

"mernta" is a type-3 fu'ivla for some sort of American, so it's not
available for a plant name.

Comment #2: Re: It's a type-3
Wuzzy (Thu Sep 12 23:25:24 2013)

phma wrote:
> "mernta" is a type-3 fu'ivla for some sort of American, so it's not
> available for a plant name.

Thank you for pointing this out. I have created spatrmenta as a
replacement. Feel free to add a new type-4 fu'ivla, if you like.

Comment #3: Re: It's a type-3
Pierre Abbat (Thu Sep 12 23:38:16 2013)

Wuzzy wrote:
> Thank you for pointing this out. I have created spatrmenta as a
> replacement. Feel free to add a new type-4 fu'ivla, if you like.

spatrmenta is good. The type-4 I came up with is diosmo (from Modern
Greek δυοσμος, from Ancient Greek
ηδυοσμος/ηδυοσμον, which appears in Luke 11:42). But
there's a bug in vlatai which incorrectly calls diosmo invalid, so I
can't enter it here.

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