I would say that this word should be expanded so as to include "any actual, potential, or former (anti-)cyclonic (tropical) severe storm or depression (weather condition)", which should hopefully include things like the Great Red Spot. It is useful, I think to be able to talk about a storm as a continuation of a previous storm even as it dissipates into more moderate weather conditions.
This has nothing to do with this definition, but it should be noted that Lojbanized names of hurricanes vel sim. should retained the first letter or so of the 'English' name when using the alphabetic system for naming, even if the 'English' name is pronounced differently. For example, "Irma" in English becomes ".irmas." in Lojban, rather than ".rmas." (which is closer to how it is pronounced in English), when referring to the hurricane. We should also note the year in which they arise, since names are reused usually.
I am not sure that these sumti slots are the best. For example, the eye of the storm should probably be the second or third sumti slot for this word. Moreover, the storm's physical/geographical extent (maybe in three-dimensions) is important to deserve a sumti slot, but it did not receive any. The origin of the storm is typically important, but I am not sure whether it deserves a sumti slot. The path of the storm is also important, but I think that we would have to somehow distinguish between predictions/projections and the actual path thus far for each storm. Maybe these can all be rolled up into one concept, sorta like tcima2, but extended through spacetime. The speed of travel of the (eye of the storm) does not seem like it is sufficiently intrinsic and important to this idea to me to deserve a sumti slot, especially with the aforementioned suggestion being included (especially if the plot is through spacetime). It also runs into the issue of fluctuating and of changing from actual to predicted. Last, wind speed is important but not yet included (I think - see below) in this definition. We do have wind direction, which is good (but less important - this is a consequence of the storm's location). Luckily, we can roll these up into one sumti slot (wind (angular) velocity)! Picking which wind velocity is meant is a job for the person who uses the word - it is a practical application - we just need to allow for it to be referenced somehow.
The definition's current form is confusing and could use rephrasing. For example, I am not sure that wind speed is included. Also, coming "from" a direction is less than ideal phrasing. Directions are bearings on a compass basically or arrows, not locations. Nothing can come from any direction. The storm may be heading in a direction or it might presently be located in some region which is in a direction from the speaker (or its origin - the definition should be careful to specify which), but it cannot be from a direction. So, we should rephrase, if we include this information as a sumti slot at all.