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Discussion of "nikyge'u"

Comment #1: neither "nickle" nor "dog" is essential to this definition.
alynpost (Sun Feb 20 17:41:34 2011)

I don't see any mechanism by which this lujvo is a better definition for
"tall-tale" than "nickle cat" or "gold dog". The definition is so
arbitrary as to leave no method for which to compare it to other
suggestions. It is no better than a random choice, which I consider an
insufficient condition for defining a new word.

Comment #2: Re: neither
Lindar Greenwood (Sun Feb 20 19:55:05 2011)

alynpost wrote:
> I don't see any mechanism by which this lujvo is a better definition for
> "tall-tale" than "nickle cat" or "gold dog". The definition is so
> arbitrary as to leave no method for which to compare it to other
> suggestions. It is no better than a random choice, which I consider an
> insufficient condition for defining a new word.

It's a culture word that I added after speaking to a few other lojbanists.
We had a storytelling game, unique to our language, wot featured a nikle
gerku. I'll post the rules to the Lojban list, though they should be
available on the wiki. If jboklu isn't a sufficient reason to coin a word,
then I'm not sure what does.

Comment #3: Re: neither
alynpost (Sun Feb 20 20:13:20 2011)

lindarthebard wrote:
> alynpost wrote:
> > I don't see any mechanism by which this lujvo is a better definition
> > "tall-tale" than "nickle cat" or "gold dog". The definition is
> > arbitrary as to leave no method for which to compare it to other
> > suggestions. It is no better than a random choice, which I
consider an
> > insufficient condition for defining a new word.
> It's a culture word that I added after speaking to a few other
> We had a storytelling game, unique to our language, wot featured a nikle
> gerku. I'll post the rules to the Lojban list, though they should be
> available on the wiki. If jboklu isn't a sufficient reason to coin a
> then I'm not sure what does.

I'm not strictly suggesting that jboklu is not a sufficient reason to coin
a word, I am suggesting that *if* culture is a sufficient reason to coin a
word, that we use the process one uses for allowing culture to define
words: wikipedia has an extensively documented policy concerning
contributions from primary sources, and dictionary editing teams also use
a process to vet new words before putting them in the dictionary.

In summary, if cultural transmission is a valid mechanism for putting
words in a dictionary, you Lindar as a primary source cannot add words you
coin or that are coined in your presence. You're a primary source in this
instance and it is a conflict of interest for you to decide whether there
is cultural transmission worthy of coining a new word.

You'd need to wait for the word to be noticed and documented by someone
else not involved in the word-coining activity.

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