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Discussion of "normro"

Comment #1: Hm
Jonathan (Sun Aug 2 13:16:58 2015)

This probably have some usage behind it, and might have been described in
the CLL, IIRC. However, "undead" might not *really* be no'e morsi, as
the concept takes many forms depending on story/mythology, and does not
necessarily literally describe something that's between living-ness and

I prefer something like ridnormro, which can be considered a cimjvo by
benefit of the crida prefix. Or maybe normrocrida is better, but
tanru-flipping has always messed with my head somewhat...

Comment #2: Re: Hm
Alex Burka (Sun Aug 2 14:06:48 2015)

I am seriously going to submit a PR banning thread titles shorter than
three characters :)

spheniscine wrote:
> This probably have some usage behind it, and might have been described in

> the CLL, IIRC. However, "undead" might not *really* be no'e morsi, as

> the concept takes many forms depending on story/mythology, and does not
> necessarily literally describe something that's between living-ness and
> dead-ness.
> I prefer something like ridnormro, which can be considered a cimjvo by
> benefit of the crida prefix. Or maybe normrocrida is better, but
> tanru-flipping has always messed with my head somewhat...

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