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Discussion of "frumu"
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Comment #1: Which frown?
Curtis W Franks (Wed Sep 21 23:51:34 2016)


Is this the U.S. American "frown" primarily of a downturned mouth and which
usually means negative emotions? Or is it the British sense of just a
furrowed brow (forehead), which can mean all sorts of things, including
negative ones but also (but not limited too): a reaction to pain (possibly
covered in the Usian sense too, as a grimace), concentration, a questioning
look, a prompting look, or surprise.

My reading is the U.S. sense. It says "frown/grimace"; while both senses
can encapsulate this meaning, the U.S. sense does so exclusively, making it
a better match. Additionally, mebri could be used for the British sense
(in lujvo). Now, badri could be used for the U.S. sense, but it may not
cover all forms of grimacing.

But I am a Usian, so I might be biased.

In any case, how should we say the other sense or specific meanings?
(Possibly confer: corci).

Comment #2: Re: Which frown?
Curtis W Franks (Thu Sep 22 00:43:35 2016)

krtisfranks wrote:
> http://separatedbyacommonlanguage.blogspot.co.uk/2016/09/frowns.html?m=1
> Is this the U.S. American "frown" primarily of a downturned mouth and
> usually means negative emotions? Or is it the British sense of just a
> furrowed brow (forehead), which can mean all sorts of things, including
> negative ones but also (but not limited too): a reaction to pain
> covered in the Usian sense too, as a grimace), concentration, a
> look, a prompting look, or surprise.
> My reading is the U.S. sense. It says "frown/grimace"; while both senses
> can encapsulate this meaning, the U.S. sense does so exclusively, making
> a better match. Additionally, mebri could be used for the British sense

> (in lujvo). Now, badri could be used for the U.S. sense, but it may not

> cover all forms of grimacing.
> But I am a Usian, so I might be biased.
> In any case, how should we say the other sense or specific meanings?
> (Possibly confer: corci).

For a selection of examples, visit:
I compiled this selection. I can only verify the U.S. subset. But I think
that the UK one is accurate.

Comment #3: Re: Which frown?
gleki (Thu Sep 22 09:58:39 2016)

krtisfranks wrote:
> http://separatedbyacommonlanguage.blogspot.co.uk/2016/09/frowns.html?m=1
> Is this the U.S. American "frown" primarily of a downturned mouth and
> usually means negative emotions? Or is it the British sense of just a
> furrowed brow (forehead), which can mean all sorts of things, including
> negative ones but also (but not limited too): a reaction to pain
> covered in the Usian sense too, as a grimace), concentration, a
> look, a prompting look, or surprise.
> My reading is the U.S. sense. It says "frown/grimace"; while both senses
> can encapsulate this meaning, the U.S. sense does so exclusively, making
> a better match. Additionally, mebri could be used for the British sense

> (in lujvo). Now, badri could be used for the U.S. sense, but it may not

> cover all forms of grimacing.
> But I am a Usian, so I might be biased.
> In any case, how should we say the other sense or specific meanings?
> (Possibly confer: corci).

I would think "grimaces" mustn't be disregarded. I think any facial
expression is frumu.

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