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Discussion of "zasyku'arka"
[parent] [root]
Comment #1: Better
Curtis W Franks (Wed Aug 12 22:23:49 2015)

I like "-zas-" for "virtual" more than I like "-tol-" for "anti-" in these
contexts, but it still seems potentially off. Virtual particles are off
mass shell entities that appear in the mathematics and which produce real
and accurate results, but which themselves are not observable. Meanwhile,
almost everything is impermanent. If w have short enough timescales, off
mass shell particles are actually enduring (they last throughout te
timescales being considered), in a sense.

Comment #2: Re: Better
Jonathan (Wed Aug 12 22:29:51 2015)

I copied these off the obsolete zi'evla ka'urkuarka; they recommended
zastce, but my opinion is that the mutce part does not need to be
specified in a lujvo, since zasybroda could mean something other than
just zasni je broda

Comment #3: Re: Better
Curtis W Franks (Thu Aug 13 06:19:26 2015)

spheniscine wrote:
> I copied these off the obsolete zi'evla ka'urkuarka; they recommended
> zastce, but my opinion is that the mutce part does not need to be
> specified in a lujvo, since zasybroda could mean something other than
> just zasni je broda

I could support it. They /do/ tend to be temporary. It is just that there
is more going on there; maybe "intermediate" or something. "Calculation
tool" probably would not make for the most elegant zevlyjvo, vau zo'o.
Still, it is not a bad option at all.

I agree with the stuff about the lack of need for mutce.

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