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Discussion of "zei'ei"
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Comment #3: Re: Do you actually need this particular word?
Brett Williams (Mon Jan 26 02:36:04 2015)

It's just that "zei'ei" is what occurred to me, as someone very familiar
with this language. So I wondered why you chose that sound for this
purpose. Does the sound matter to you? Does the sound of Lojban matter to
you in general? It seems that you've just been going around claiming cmavo
all day long without much regard for which sounds in particular you're
squatting and how other people might feel about that.

Of course I can try to fight you for this particular word, but I don't
have the energy for a fight every time I want to make a word. Before you
came along and started abusing this communal resource we had a tradition
of discussing cmavo amicably before adding them, and cmavo inventors would
often agree to amend their ideas to accord with the will of the community.
You're forcing us into this more stressful, less friendly way of deciding
before it really ought to be necessary.

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The main code was last changed on Wed 07 Oct 2020 05:54:55 PM PDT.
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jbovlaste is an official project of the logical language group, and is now headed by Robin Lee Powell.
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