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Discussion of "moi'o"
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Comment #2: Re: better translation x4
Alex Burka (Tue Nov 18 23:58:41 2014)

cogas wrote:
> (Thank you for better translation)
> I wonder whether there is a better expression of x_4(by calender).
> The splicing method depends on x4.
> For instance:
> if they will splice time by "day", most people regarded a time block as
> 0:00 - 23:59 GMT. Probably, time is merely spliced into 9:12 - 9:11, for
> example.
> The style/method of splicing is dependent on the speaker's
> It should be specified by x_4. (however, like berti_3, a concrete value
> merely fills with x_4, I think)
> Also, many time-interval words [day, month, year, hour, minute, second,
> century, and so on] are associated with splicing. Maybe, We first splice
> time, and then we use value which a time-block made by splicing has,
> is a time-interval.
> Thus, moi'o_4 is similar to nanca_3, masti_3, djedi_3, cacra_3, mentu_3,
> snidu_3..
> Sorry for my poor English. I hope that you get what I meant.
> mu'o

I think we need to come up with a way to fill moi'o_4 in Lojban. Ideally
at least two ways (the default, and something else). Then it would be
easier to write a definition. As it is, I don't know how to fill the

So do you have any examples of moi'o_4 in mind?

Comment #3: Re: better translation x4
Shotaro (Mon Jan 19 03:01:40 2015)

durka42 wrote:
> I think we need to come up with a way to fill moi'o_4 in Lojban. Ideally
> at least two ways (the default, and something else). Then it would be
> easier to write a definition. As it is, I don't know how to fill the
> place.
> So do you have any examples of moi'o_4 in mind?

More casually, for example:

(In Skype or telephone)
I will sleep during this day from your point of view (your location).
I will sleep during this day from my point of view (my location).

If it is 22:00 19/1 on "your" location and it is 3:00 20/1 on "my"
location, how long am "I" going to sleep? 2 hrs or 21 hrs?

I think that x4 helps in case of that.

however, probably, this case is not major to use x4 in. Quite rare cases
(and quite casual).

x4 = by calender, by standard, and, ...

I'm afraid that I am not able to say well. oisai

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