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Discussion of "gugle"

Comment #1: Information terbri?
Curtis W Franks (Mon Feb 23 04:24:07 2015)

The current definition is this: "

x1 searches network or collection of information/data/facts, etc.
(especially the Internet) for information on topic/quote x2 using
service/tool/search resource/function x3 provided by (host, company,
etc.) x4 with accessed information sources (websites, network, documents,
books, etc.) x5. x3 is a search engine that provides
information/resource/output on topic/query x2 by way of organized and
(semi-)automated/quick information search through many providers/sources
of information including x5, with search service provided by x4and
provided to/used by/accessible to (potential or actual) user x1 (who does
not actually perform the initial search/sorting/recruiting of
information). x4 is a search engine service provider able to present
search results via service/tool x3.


But I was thinking just now that it might be more useful to replace one of
the terbri in the current definition with a terbri that lets one specify
exactly what (type of) information for which one is searching (possibly as
well as the topic to which it pertains, which is the current x2).

Comment #2: Re: Information terbri?
gleki (Mon Feb 23 07:02:01 2015)

krtisfranks wrote:
> The current definition is this: "

The current usage of this gismu in IRC suggests that it just means "x1
uses Google to search for x2
(text)" although x2 can be a non-quote thus raised from a quote.

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