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Discussion of "tamsmi"
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Comment #7: Re: Fourth place.
Robin Lee Powell (Mon Nov 22 20:30:34 2004)

xorxes wrote:
> rlpowell wrote:
> > xorxes wrote:
> > > rlpowell wrote:
> > > > From "tai": (x1 resembles x2 sharing ideal form/shape x3 in
> > x4)
> > >
> > > So how do x3 and x4 differ?
> >
> > da de tamsmi lo bolci lo ka bartu
> >
> > "da resembles de in that it has the outer shape of a ball".
> Wouldn't that be:
> da .e de tamsmi lo bolci lo ka (makau) bartu (ce'u)
> x and y resemble a ball in their outsides.

No, definately not.

> If x3 is not a property, then x1, x2 and x3 resemble
> one another in property x4


da tamsmi de lo bolci tu'a lo nenri .i ku'i da tamsmi de lo bliku tu'a lo

Certainly in the first case you wouldn't say that da and de both resemble
an (idealized) ball?

Besidse, the point is that the x3 is a platonic ideal; nothing *really*
resembles it, it's more of a concept.

Where this place structure comes from, I have no idea, but clearly x3=t1,
and x4=s3.


Comment #8: Re: Fourth place.
Jorge Llambias (Mon Nov 22 20:52:09 2004)

rlpowell wrote:
> da tamsmi de lo bolci tu'a lo nenri .i ku'i da tamsmi de lo bliku tu'a
> bartu

Well, that would be:

da e de tamsmi lo bolci tu'a lo nenri i ku'i da e de
tamsmi lo bliku tu'a lo bartu

so that doesn't really make it more clear.

> Certainly in the first case you wouldn't say that da and de both
> an (idealized) ball?

Why not? They both look like balls in their outsides.
What else could it mean to say that they resemble each
other in that they have the outer shape of a ball?

> Besidse, the point is that the x3 is a platonic ideal; nothing *really*
> resembles it, it's more of a concept.

But why make it so complicated? Why can't we just say
that x resembles a ball and y resembles a ball? What
do we gain by separating it into three places, x1, x2
and x3, so that x3 is only for platonic ideals?

> Where this place structure comes from, I have no idea, but clearly
> and x4=s3.

But x4 has to be lo ka tarmi too. If they are dissociated,
then we have "x1 and x2 both have shape x3 and are
similar in property x4".

mi'e xorxes

Comment #9: Re: Fourth place.
Robin Lee Powell (Mon Nov 22 20:55:05 2004)

xorxes wrote:
> rlpowell wrote:
> > da tamsmi de lo bolci tu'a lo nenri .i ku'i da tamsmi de lo bliku tu'a
> lo
> > bartu
> Well, that would be:
> da e de tamsmi lo bolci tu'a lo nenri i ku'i da e de
> tamsmi lo bliku tu'a lo bartu
> so that doesn't really make it more clear.
> > Certainly in the first case you wouldn't say that da and de both
> resemble
> > an (idealized) ball?
> Why not? They both look like balls in their outsides.

No, on their *insides*.

> What else could it mean to say that they resemble each
> other in that they have the outer shape of a ball?

Because they are round on the inside.

> > Besidse, the point is that the x3 is a platonic ideal; nothing
> > resembles it, it's more of a concept.
> But why make it so complicated?

Because this is how the ma'oste currently defines it!

Jesus, is a little backwards compatibility worth *this* much of a fight?


Comment #10: Re: Fourth place.
Jorge Llambias (Mon Nov 22 21:13:54 2004)

rlpowell wrote:
> xorxes wrote:
> > rlpowell wrote:
> > > Certainly in the first case you wouldn't say that da and de both
> > resemble
> > > an (idealized) ball?
> >
> > Why not? They both look like balls in their outsides.
> No, on their *insides*.

Right. The point is the same.

> > What else could it mean to say that they resemble each
> > other in that they have the outer shape of a ball?
> Because they are round on the inside.

All right: What else could it mean to say that they resemble each other in
that they have the inner
shape of a ball?

> > But why make it so complicated?
> Because this is how the ma'oste currently defines it!
> Jesus, is a little backwards compatibility worth *this* much of a fight?

I don't care all that much how tamsmi ends up being
defined. As I said, it is unlikely that the word will
ever be actually used. But I won't write definitions
that I think are wrong just because they appear in
the ma'oste. Since we can have two competing
definitions here, there is no need to fight. People
who want to keep the ma'oste definition can vote for
it, and those who don't think it makes much sense can
vote for something else. I wouldn't even be sure how
to write the ma'oste definition in Lojban.

mi'e xorxes

Comment #11: Re: Fourth place.
Robin Lee Powell (Mon Nov 22 21:48:09 2004)

> > > But why make it so complicated?
> >
> > Because this is how the ma'oste currently defines it!
> >
> > Jesus, is a little backwards compatibility worth *this* much of a
> I don't care all that much how tamsmi ends up being
> defined. As I said, it is unlikely that the word will
> ever be actually used. But I won't write definitions
> that I think are wrong just because they appear in
> the ma'oste. Since we can have two competing
> definitions here, there is no need to fight. People
> who want to keep the ma'oste definition can vote for
> it, and those who don't think it makes much sense can
> vote for something else.

That's a lovely idea, except that the ma'oste defines "te tai" and "ve
tai", and I'm doing the section that has them.

> I wouldn't even be sure how
> to write the ma'oste definition in Lojban.

x1 cu simsa x2 fi'o tarmi x3 x4


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