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Discussion of "xigzo"
[parent] [root]
Comment #1: Potential Issues
Curtis W Franks (Tue Jan 14 08:51:06 2014)

Once again, I worry about taking up experimental gismu space, but this one
is fairly common in current (even popular) discourse, lacks simple way of
expression, and is fundamental to nature (just as much as electricity is).
All of the fundamental interactions and important verified facets thereof
deserve gismu in my opinion.

This word lends itself to the following rafsi, which I support, the latter
more than the former: xiz, xig.
(I wish that "gzo" could be included too...)

Comment #3: Re: Potential Issues
gleki (Mon Oct 13 06:20:27 2014)

krtisfranks wrote:
> Once again, I worry about taking up experimental gismu space, but this
> is fairly common in current (even popular) discourse, lacks simple way
> expression, and is fundamental to nature (just as much as electricity
> All of the fundamental interactions and important verified facets
> deserve gismu in my opinion.
> This word lends itself to the following rafsi, which I support, the
> more than the former: xiz, xig.
> (I wish that "gzo" could be included too...)

please, add an example filling all places of xigzo. Since jvs doesnt
allow adding translations will you please add translation in this thread?

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