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valsi kazmi
type experimental gismu
creator krtisfranks
time entered Wed Feb 3 23:56:15 2016

Definition #68328 - Preferred [edit]
definition x1 (li) is the cardinality of set x2 (set)
notes Exactly equivalent to nilzilcmi except in morphology. But cardinality is a pretty fundamental thing in mathematics (in some sense, even more fundamental than natural numbers), so it arguably deserves a gismu; this will also shorten many lujvo which should use a word for cardinality. The second terbri should technically be filled by a set, but other structures could probably be acceptable; these might include groups and other algebraic structures, multisets, lists, classes, vel sim. ci'i alone (without being followed by another (integer-representing) digit) indicates an infinite cardinality but not which one; beware the assumption of the Axiom of Choice or Generalized Continuum Hypothesis.
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created by krtisfranks
vote information 4
time Wed Aug 24 21:00:19 2016
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krtisfranks{kancu} + {ka'au} + {nilzilcmi}[edit]
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